Essentially Ellington poster
2005 Festival Poster
Essentially Ellington poster
2006 Festival Poster
Essentially Ellington festival shirts
Festival shirts
Essentially Ellington poster at columbus circle
Poster case outside columbus circle
Essentially Ellington poster
2007 Festival Poster
Essentially Ellington volunteers and signed posters
Festival Volunteers and Celebrity Signed Posters
Essentially Ellington poster
2008 Festival Poster

Essentially Ellington

This is Jazz at Lincoln Centers largest annual event. Since 1991, it has made amazing contributions to music education and children’s lives.

The event needed a cohesive brand identity. The only constant in the years of promotion for the event was the use of Duke Ellington’s name. In solving the problem of creating an ownable brand identity, the solution was part of the problem (as so often happens). I simply made the iconic Duke Ellington into an icon.

Each year, there is a large amount of material created for the event: Lighting, passes, shirts, posters and retail items. This brand system allows for the icon to be reinterpreted every year, which gives the brand great legs.

brand great legs.


Bobby C. Martin Jr.

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